Baltic Amber Teething Necklace
WHAT ALL THE MOMS ARE RAVING ABOUT!!! Baltic Amber Teething Necklace is the perfect alternative to medicine for babies & toddlers during the teething process. All this is thanks for the Baltic Amber Natural immune system boost, anti-inflammatory & analgesic capabilities. By the time the baby or toddler start using the necklace you will start noticing the differences on their behavior & mood, thanks to the effectiveness of the succinic acid contained naturally on the amber and without suffering the secondary effects behind synthetic medicine like teething tablets or scrapings left by the teething toys on their mouth. Safety knotted (Amber bead) & easy to use. • Advised Safety Requirements: • Always supervise the infant when wearing the necklace. • Remove the necklace when the infant is unattended, even if it is only for a short period of time. • Remove the necklace while the infant sleeps at day or night. • Not allow the infant to mouth or chew the necklace.
32.0-34.0 cm long